It contains more than 15 million scientific articles. Over 900,000 articles on ScienceDirect are open access. Articles published open access are peer-reviewed and available for user to read, download and reuse. Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

iG Publishing
iG publishing is one of the leading provider of ebook collections with over 150,000 titles covering all disciplines. Access to the database is through university IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

Emerald Insight
Emerald Publishing Limited is a scholarly publisher of academic journals in the fields of management, business, education, library studies, health care, and engineering. Access to the database is through University IP address. Also, individual must register to gain access to full text remotely.

Research4life database house AGORA (Agriculture Research), HINARI (Health Research), OARE (Environment Research), GOALI (Legal Research) and ARDI (World Intellectual Property). Access to the database is through username and password only. For username and password, contact or visit the Automation Unit.

LexisNexis Academic
LexisNexis® Academic provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications. Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

JSTOR is a digital library of more than 2,000 journals, nearly 20,000 books, and two million primary source objects Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

ProQuest Central is the largest, multidisciplinary, full-text database and comprises separate, fully searchable databases that may be used together or separately. It contains over 100,000 full-text dissertations in business, psychology, physical sciences, health, education and more. It contains over 455,000 working papers from organizations such as NBER and OECD, and millions of up-to-date company reports, market and industry reports, and country profiles.

EBSCOhost provides access to a range of databases, e-journals and e-books. The databases are particularly useful for identifying journal articles and other publications on a particular topic within the subject areas covered by each database. You can search across more than one database at a time.

Brill Online Journal Collection gives access to the online content available back to the year 2000. It offers access to over 360 journals, 8,000 volumes and 150,000 articles. Each collection gives access to all online available content back to the year 2000 as well as the current year's issue The Brill Online Journal Collection has three, subject-based sub-collections: • Brill Humanities & Social Sciences Journal Collection • Brill International Law & Human Rights Journal Collection • Brill Life Sciences Journal Collection

Springer Nature
Provides access to a world of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities

ProQuest Ebook Central
The ebook platform provides access to collection across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization
The platform provides access to databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional titles, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, case studies, and market reports all together on a powerful, user-friendly platform. Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

JaypeeDigital Medical
JaypeeDigital Medical database has more than 3,500 titles (health science books, journals and procedures’ video) in its list and 350 new products are added each year in different streams: Medical, Dental, Nursing, Allied and Medical Science, Veterinary Sciences. Jaypee is one of the fastest-growing publishers in the world of Health Sciences Education and information. Access to the database is through University IP address and a click on the logo will take you to the homepage.

Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of high-quality academic content across Cambridge Core, including leading journals, research monographs, reference works and textbooks. Cambridge Core provides access to unique, scholarly content published by Cambridge University Press, in one user-friendly and fully searchable online platform. Cambridge University Press currently publish more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals and more than 33,000 ebooks for the global market.

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
Access to audio-visual lectures, seminar-style talks, and case studies presented by experts in biomedicine and life sciences.